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Public officials have made hundreds of positive comments about our reports.

From mayors and county supervisors to state legislators and members of the U.S. Congress, elected and appointed leaders have expressed appreciation for the value we provide.
Here's a collection of comments made by one particular group, county agricultural commissioners/sealers:
“This study supplements our annual Crop Report, which is strictly agriculture. Instead of stopping at farm production values, it also quantifies local food processing, employment, and the economic ripple effects of that.”
Jolene Dessert
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Source: opening comments at Commissioner Dessert's July 2, 2024 briefing of the Imperial County Board of Supervisors in El Centro, CA (click here).
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“We commissioned an economic study with some professionals who do this for a living. That hundred million dollars in farm production turns into about two-hundred and forty million dollars in total economic activity in Placer County. That’s a pretty exciting number.”
Joshua Huntsinger
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Source: opening comments at Commissioner Huntsinger's September 26, 2023 briefing of the Placer County Board of Supervisors in Auburn, CA. (click here)
“This is the second Crop Report Plus that Tehama County has published and its benefits are immeasurable. These reports generate very positive responses from the community."
Doni Rulofson
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Source: quote provided by email directly to Agricultural Impact Associates in 2024.
“We all know that Glenn County's major economic driver is agriculture. But just how much of an influence does it have on the economy as a whole? Until this question was analyzed and documented in this report, the answer was unknown."
Marcie Skelton,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Glenn County
Source: opening comments at Commissioner Skelton's July 16, 2019 briefing of the Glenn County Board of Supervisors in Willows, CA. (click here)
“This is our third report. We do them every five years."
Henry Gonzales,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Monterey County
Source: opening comments at Commissioner Gonzales' July 21, 2020 briefing of the Monterey County Board of Supervisors in Salinas, CA. (click here).
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“This report uses twenty-first century economic tools to document agriculture’s broader role in sustaining a thriving local economy"
Milton O'Haire,
Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer
Stanislaus County
Source: cover letter from Economic Contributions of Stanislaus County Agriculture (click here)
"This is the first comprehensive economic analysis of the county's agricultural industry. The new report goes beyond the annual Crop and Livestock Report by assessing local food processing, multiplier effects, and employment.”
Lisa Herbert,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Sutter County
Source: opening comments at Commissioner Herbert's May 14, 2019 briefing of the Sutter County Board of Supervisors in Yuba City, CA. (click here)
“The study is intended to be ‘another piece in the puzzle’ that county policy makers can use in their decision making.”
Martin Settevendemie,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer

San Luis Obispo County
Source: quoted in the San Luis Obispo Tribune
(click here)
“During these uncertain economic times, it’s important to better understand how and where agriculture contributes to our economy and to local employment.” 
Carlos Ortiz,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Imperial County
Source: quoted in the Imperial Valley News (click here)
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“The annual crop report that’s been created for the last 85 years can only be changed by law and 'that’s why we had to go outside for this new Economic Contributions report . . . It was a process with Ag Impact Associates' "
“The science behind this report is solid . . ."
Tim Pelican,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
San Joaquin County
Source: quoted in an article by the San Joaquin Farm Bureau Federation (click here).
“This report truly emphasizes the importance of Santa Cruz County agriculture to the region, as an employer and economic engine.”
Mary Lou Nicoletti,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Santa Cruz County

Source: quoted in the Santa Cruz Sentinel (click here)

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“We were stunned by the broad interest and positive reaction to our report. It was worth far more in educational value than the minimal cost of the report”
“We screened research teams from up and down California. For cost and quality, Agricultural Impact Associates offers the best value."
Eric Lauritzen,
Past Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Monterey County
Source: quotes provided directly to Agricultural Impact Associates
“The Crop Report Plus shows that agriculture has a broader role in sustaining a thriving local economy”
Steven Hajik,
Agricultural Commissioner & Sealer
Lake County
Source: quoted in the Lake County News  (click here)

© 2025 by Agricultural Impact Associates LLC

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